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Krishna is feeling hot

Aditi : I was the pujari in Delhi when Prabhupada arrived from Vrindavan. I don’t know why but I moved the fan off the deities perhaps thinking I didn’t want Krishna’s peacock feather to fall or His hair to get messed up. I finished what I was doing and went into the darshan with Prabhupada and about six other devotees. The first thing Prabhupada said was, “Krishna is feeling hot.” I thought, “Oh my God, how does Prabhupada know?” He said something about the fan isn’t cooling or something to that effect, and then he gave a whole lecture on how Krishna, the deity, is Krishna Himself. As soon as I could, I put the fan back on Krishna. I realized Krishna is personally present with Prabhupada and speaks with him and tells him things. It was a real eye opener for me.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 4 by Siddhanta Dasa