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We want to make Krishna famous, not ourselves.

Mahatma : When I was temple president in Vancouver, I thought that we should form a rock band so that we could influence young people. I imagined us converting people to Krishna consciousness, distributing books, and making money at concerts. I wrote Prabhupada a letter saying, "Rock stars influence young people. They can change what people think. What if we start a rock band, try to become famous, and then preach?" Prabhupada wrote back, "This trying to become famous is all phantasmagoria. You'll never become famous. This is totally impractical. Why have you been trying for it? We don't want to become famous ourselves. We want to make Krishna famous. If you want to do music, then use your musical abilities to lead ecstatic kirtans in the Vancouver temple. But don't try to become famous yourself.

When I wrote to Prabhupada, I wasn't thinking of becoming famous. I was thinking that if we became famous we could use that for preaching. But before I was a devotee I had a strong desire to become a famous musician. It was very clear that Prabhupada saw that. If that wasn't one of my motives when I wrote to him, it certainly would have become my motive or I would have been aversely influenced by fame. Prabhupada knew exactly where I was at. After that, I totally forgot my formerly strong desire to become famous. 

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 3 - Hari Sauri Dasa