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Part 10 – Three Points for a Progressive Society

It was Saturday morning in Lygon Street, Carlton, just a few weeks before the Federal Elections. Lygon Street was the heart of Melbourne's student community, and more significantly, the heart of Sabhapati's electorate.

While a couple of shaven-headed devotees handed out flyers, bespectacled Sabhapati, speaking loudly to be heard above the din, described his three-point program for a progressive society:

"First, there must be honest leadership. The voters must learn to judge a man's character. A strong leader must be free from immoral sex life which leads to abortion, venereal disease, prostitution and divorce."

A couple of girls standing nearby giggled. Sabhapati pressed on. "Also our leaders must be free from gambling, intoxication and animal slaughter. These things cause the loss of truthfulness, compassion and austerity. In order to restore honesty and character into Parliament, and to serve as a rallying point for the honest people of Australia, I have, as a matter of duty, entered this race."

"The second part of my three-point program is education and spiritual culture. Real education means self-realisation. What good is my Ph.D. if I don't know who I am?"

This drew the loudest applause so far from the mixed crowd now spilling onto the road.

"And my third point is progressive environmental development. As you all know, fruits, flowers, beautiful gardens, parks and reservoirs of water are essential for peacefulness of mind. Medical science has shown that regular bathing and ample space are necessary for maintaining good health. My plan is to create an atmosphere of peace and prosperity by way of God conscious festivals which will include chanting the non-sectarian names of God, free food, and open forums."

The crowd was getting a bit restless, so Sabhapati drew his speech to a close. "So I am asking the people of this electorate to seriously consider the proposals of this wonderful, timeless and practical philosophy. Make your choice now, between the good and the bad, and on May 18th, vote 1, Scott, P., the only God-conscious candidate."

The crowd whistled and clapped, and as people grabbed for the remaining flyers, the political campaign with a difference launched into its last kirtana for the day.

Reference: A Great Transcendental Adventure